YouTube has a new Look and Logo! - BSTechReviews


Wednesday, 30 August 2017

YouTube has a new Look and Logo!

YouTube has had a revamp after a very long time, and this time its a refreshing look to the YouTube Logo and the fonts being used. The design looks to be more of a clean design, rather than the old cluttered UI that was there. We were so used to it, and still love YouTube for the Video Platform that it provides!

Just to give you a short glimpse on how the new look feels like below are some screenshots taken from the iPhone version of YouTube, I am yet to test the new UI on iPad . The android looks more or less the same as the iOS version.


The YouTube website also has a bit of a refreshing look. You can see how it looks modern and clean. 

One of the cool features of YouTube is the ability to adapt vertical videos. You can see it in the video below how nicely it adapts to it. 

So let me know what do you think of this new look of YouTube in the comments below. 

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