My Favourite Video Editing Tool: iMovie! - BSTechReviews


Tuesday 9 May 2017

My Favourite Video Editing Tool: iMovie!

One of the favourite pass time that I have is creating some videos on YouTube. I watch a lot of YouTube and am addicted to it. So this motivated me to go into production and video editing. However considering how many softwares are available in this is just mind boggling. Some of the cool softwares that people go for are Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere Pro, which are most popular ones.

However for those who want to pursue a career into this very particular field it is fine for them to invest so much money into softwares like this, but for me or for anyone for whom creating videos is fun, you cannot afford to spend so much money into softwares like this. And who really needs these softwares for fun kind of video editing, when you can do this on iMovie! Recently Apple also launched Clippers which is exclusively available on App Store, and has a fantastic easy to use User Interface which makes video editing even more fun.

What is iMovie?
iMovie is a video editing software that is exclusively available on the App Store, for Mac Users. I use iMovie extensively. Initially it was kind of tricky for me to understand how to make a video but iMovie makes it super easy to make fun videos. I will explain below how its done.

Image Credits: Andromedia

How much does it cost?
It costs absolutely nothing to use iMovie because it is absolutely free! Yes it is. And this is one software that I would owe Apple to for giving us, because it makes life a lot simpler while editing videos. Ofcourse for professionals you should opt for Final Cut Pro or Premiere Pro.

What kind of laptop or hardware do I need?
You need to always remember here that Video Rendering is the most difficult part of video editing process because if you have a junk of a laptop with 2 or 4 GB of RAM, it wont be sufficient to do video editing. Whether it be Windows or Mac, you need at least 8 GB RAM and above to do video editing. Because Video editing takes a lot of memory while rendering. Rendering is outputting the video into a file like avi, mov, wav etc.

Is it worth it?
It is definitely worth it. You should check out my tutorial on how to use iMovie to understand how cool it is. I will post different articles on how iMovie works on the Mac as well as on the iPhone/iPad.

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