Clash of Kings: Fantastic RPG / Strategy game but bores you down eventually... - BSTechReviews


Friday 13 January 2017

Clash of Kings: Fantastic RPG / Strategy game but bores you down eventually...

Clash of Kings.... sigh its been a while that I left the game. The sad part about leaving the game was not the game, but all the great buddies I made during the game. :( Sometimes we think that friends cannot be made online or through games, but I feel the gaming industry helps really good bonding that lasts forever. I never met any of these guys who I was friends with on the game, but we had such a great connection.

COK as we call it, is a game that unites players from all parts of the world, different caste, creed, colour or even age group. Well yeah we had people playing starting from age 10 to 70 yrs old lol. It was hell load of fun truly.

So how did I really get into playing this? 

Im never nor was I ever fan of playing RPG games in real time on Mobile Platform. I love RPG games but on gaming consoles like PlayStation or PC , and I have always been a console gamer all my life. Starting from Nintendo Gameboy, PlayStation 1,2,3 and PSP and what not. Ive played them all. But after getting my first PC I just got stuck to playing on PC and then finally Laptop through my Alienware beast. 

Me and my cousin are addicted gamers since childhood. The moment we find someone playing games or a gaming console or something like that we would jump like monkeys and shove our face inside to get a sneek peek of whats happening haha. 

My cousin was playing this amazing game called Blood Brothers that I started as well and then we both got addicted to it. Blood Brothers was also an RPG strategy game and eventually when the new version came out we got bored. He started playing COK much before me and had good castle strength. I got into the game through him and then all the bonding with new friends, and fun in the game started. I would literally not let go off my cell phone every single minute due to the ongoing battles and protecting castles. I will share you details about the gameplay now. 

The Gameplay

The game itself is super fun and I had a ball of a time. Initially it was difficult to understand the game, which is but natural but my cousin explained me stuff and I got a hang of it. As my castles upgraded and my army I started feeling great. 

So when you first start the game you have to remember that you need to use a social media account. For iOS users you can sync the game with either Facebook or Game Center. On Android, you can sync Facebook and Google+. But the big difference in the iOS version and the android is the rate at which updates come on Android are much faster than iOS. 

Sample screenshot of Binding Account

You can bind multiple accounts on one device, but in case of iOS you have option of only Facebook and Game Center but on Android you have Facebook and multiple Google+ accounts. All you need to do is tap two times on google plus which switching account. Remember to bind your main castle or main account to Facebook so even if you change your device you can still use Facebook on both platforms. 

So you basically have a castle which you need to build as your progress and along with that you also need to build military units , science and lord power. The power shown above in the image is a combination of Building Power, Military Power, Science Power, Trap Power and Lord Power. Building Power contributes maximum to your power. But just having high buildings and low military strength will get you nothing coz finally this is a war game. 

You have 4 types of resources that you can use - Wood, Food, Iron and Mithril. Wood and Food are available by default but iron is available only castle level 10 I think and Mithril unlocks at castle level 15. 

Gathering Resources

So in order to upgrade your castle you need resources. Even for training military you need it. So you need to send your troops to gather resources depending on what level of tile it is. A tile is a farm which can be of type Sawmill for wood, Farm for food, Iron Mine for Iron or Mithril Mine for Mithril and the level of tile determines how much resources it can hold. When you click on gather depending on how many troops can gather how much resources it will auto assign for you. Try and target smaller level tiles so that you don't leave tiles half empty as they do no regenerate and frustrate others. You can also get attacked while farming so be careful. 


There is something called as quests, which are very easy to complete initially and then get tougher as you progress your castle. So when you finish quests you can navigate to quests and collect your rewards in the game. Rewards can be in the form of thousands , lakhs or millions of resources or other items in the store. 


Items are nothing but things you can either buy using the gold amount that you have or earn them through quests. You can also purchase items from the Alliance Store. I will come to this in a while. You have the following types of items. 

Il just go through some of them so you understand, the rest are pretty straight forward. So you get lots of resources that you can collect from your items. Apart from that you get something called as "speedups". So you can use these speedups to upgrade your buildings faster. Trust me it takes shit load of time to upgrade buildings as your progress and it can get frustrating! But this is a way to force people to buy gold using money and so on. The type of speedup depends on how fast your building will upgrade. You have 5 min speedup, 10 min speedup, 1 hour speedup, 8 hour speedup. Similarly you have one of the most important things in the game called as Peace Shield. The default Peace Shield costs 500 gold and helps protect for 8 hours. The 24 hour Peace Shield I think costs 1500 gold and 3 day Peace Shield costs 2500 gold. 


Here you can access all messages that you have sent to someone or you have received from someone or members of the alliance. You can send messages to anyone depending on if you can find his castle on the map or in the Alliance list. 


So there is this beautiful concept of alliance. Alliance is a group of members that are coming under a banner. Each alliance has a banner and a name with a tagline that can be created by you. You can also join existing alliances. 

You can only join an alliance from your own Kingdom. There are many kingdoms in the game, so when you begin and just before you reach I think castle 5 or 6 you can use a newbie teleport to teleport to a random location in the game. Once you upgrade to a higher castle you cannot port to another kingdom.  

So just to give you what a teleport does. You can use a Random or an Advanced teleport. A random teleport will teleport you to a random location in the Kingdom and the Advanced Teleport will teleport you to a particular location of your choice. Always remember to stick to your alliance members. As when there is a war, you can get reinforcements to protect your castle or your military can protect others. The power of the Alliance is determined by the individual powers of the Alliance Members. Each alliance has different posts that can be assigned to a member. The maximum number of alliance members depends on all members and the alliance power, science and strength. Keep upgrading that to be at the top. 

Do not mess around with higher power members or alliances or if you did try and port out. You can also use peace shields. During my experience talking did work but upto a certain extend. 

My god, I can keep going on and on but remember I am just doing a review not a complete walkthrough so I may skip stuff. 

Wheres the war part of it!

Ok so now coming to the most interesting part of the game , the war. There are lots of events and the COK team puts a lot of effort to engage users in wars. So when event week starts everyday there are set tasks given and stages which you need to cross. Depending on your rank on a particular day's event and stage you can get bonus rewards. The last stage of the event is called "Kill event" which is crazy. Its a 3 day event from Friday to Sunday in which I think you might not even think of going to the loo or rather carry your phone to the loo otherwise be rest assured your castle will be attacked. 

If you belong to a powerful alliance even then its the same. Also you can make ally's with another alliance to be safe during event or get help if attacked. Depending on the level of Military you have the points are given. If you attack a higher level castle or lord and kill troops you get more points and so on. You will see people running helter scelter, castles burning, people leaving the game and what not. 

So why did I leave then if its a cool game?

Yeah its one of the best RPG strategy games you can play on mobile. But it has way too much politics in the game, including betrayal sometimes by friends and family. So its like how it is in a real life situation. Moreover the gameplay got so repetitive that there was nothing much worth playing for and it got boring. 

After I left I have no clue what kind of things are going on inside the game. But one thing is for sure I made some really good friends there. And some of them were 3 times my age also. I do not mind as long as they are good. This blog is totally dedicated to all my COK friends. Have fun playing!

DISCLAIMER: All the images used by me above do not belong to me and rightly are their respective owners. 


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